Have you heard of heat lamps? If you have, do you know what they are used for?
Heat lamps are energy saving efficient bulbs. They are not the same with the conventional incandescent light bulbs you know. Incandescent light bulbs produce much heat and waste energy.
There are many applications of heat lamps. Of the various applications of heat lamps, we have;
• Heat lamps for pets such as dogs, chickens, turtles, lizards, some kinds of fish and snakes.
• Heat lamps for baby animals like kittens, ducklings, and puppies.
• Heat lamps for foods
Heat lamps for chickens
Chickens are amongst the common animals we keep in our homes. Their baby animals – chicks – need heat lamps in particular. Chicks can easily die from chilly temperatures. They just left the incubator, a relatively warm atmosphere, so you need to keep them in a similar environment. You must always observe the temperature of the brooder where you keep the chicks. And you’d continue this until they are completely covered with feathers.
As a rule, the temperature of the brooder should be 950F/350C at week one. To achieve this, a 250-watt heat lamp should prove sufficient.
Another alternative is the infrared bulb. However, when using a heat lamp as a heat source, you need to be careful about placing a combustible material close to the heat source – this could be dangerous. The lamps also should not be placed close to the animals.
Radiant heat lamps are good for chickens – they provide both warmth and comfort for chickens. There’s high degree of safety too while using radiant heat lamps for chickens – the chickens could touch the lamps. Some models like EcoGlow could keep up to 50 newly hatched chicks warm and comfortable.
Heat lamps for lizards
Cold-blooded animals like reptiles find it challenging to go about their normal life without a heat source, especially when in captivity as pets. The most efficient way to provide heat for reptiles like lizards is the use of heat lamps. Reptiles require heat lamps that could give both UVB and UVA lights. Be sure to check out for this feature while shopping for your lizards.
Lizards like other reptiles synthesize vitamin D3 on their skin with the help of UVA and UVB spectrum of sunlight. They are capable of taking these spectra of lights in combination suitable for them. Their habitats should be capable of giving them this opportunity. In positioning heat lamps for lizards, you should suspend it from above, just like the natural – the sun. Heat lamps for lizards should be placed overhead. And remember, the lamp shouldn’t be close to the animals. Most lamp manufacturers recommend a specific distance away, not less than 6 inches!
Heat lamps for dogs
Your puppies certainly need to keep warm! Adult dogs too need warmth during the extreme cold weather. Their body heat won’t be able to keep them warm enough – so they need an external heat source. Heat lamps for dogs would do! Don’t allow your dogs die during the chilly winter. Put it on your list!
Heat lamps for foods
Sure! You’ve been to restaurants. Do you notice the foods there are kept warm and fresh with bulbs? Those bulbs are heat lamps! They also function to preserve the taste of meals served in restaurants, even in your home. Heat lamps can also give your foods some color. Go shopping for one!